"When Life takes unexpected turns, the best asset I carry with me, is the ability to smile "

Saturday, October 31, 2015

"When you grow up, who do you want to be?"

Going to be five years in the corporate, I thought I should just look back for a moment. The things I've experienced and learnt so far. As someone rightly said "Experience is the best teacher, but the fee is bit high";  
I still remember vaguely, some of my school days.
"When you grow up, who do you want to be?" Sounds familiar right? The question we had to answer for a long time. I seriously thought during my kindergarten, that, if I say I want to become a scientist, when I grow up, I HAD to become a scientist, there are no two ways to it. When I saw the first plane flew over, I changed my answer, I want to become a pilot. When I first visited an aircraft carrier, the answer changed. When I first looked through a microscope I had goosebumps, my answer changed. When I joined college I worked to be a marketeer. In between I thought of shifting to an operations research professional. 

I don't know if I grew up or not, but after my undergrad,  I became a Project Coordinator in an education technology start-up, After my higher education, I became a Sales Officer and a Senior Sales Officer.
When I write this, I am a Business Analyst, working for a US based technology company. I have changed roles, I have shifted industries. Today, for the first time, I believe: I have discovered what do I want to be. It's not a decision, but it's a discovery. A discovery fueled by the days of testing, learning, disappointment, success, failure, disgust, happiness, commitment, tears and courage

One thing that I'd like to remind my young brothers and sisters out there. People say, "Follow your dreams". But, we may have an endless doubt about "What's my dream?" Never mind. Somethings take time. In your initial days of career, be persistent and keep up your hope. Put in the best in everything you do. Be sincere, honest and truthful in your career. And when you make choices, make reasonable ones. Everyday is a lesson.
Learn & Grow!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Food Parcel

It was a heavy downpour when the old man got down the train. Water was dripping down through his rugged umbrella. It slightly wet his faded shoulder bag. He looked hunger-stricken and tired because of continuous travel. Now he has to catch a bus. The town looked so lonely in the rain. In the distance he saw a small hotel and started to walk towards it. While walking, he was coughing,  and every time he coughed, he used to shook himself. His one hand was inside the shoulder bag, searching for some coins and last few currency notes
It was a small hotel. Two or three candles and an old kerosene lamp gave weak lighting inside. There were around seven old men inside, some having their meals, some drinking tea. Two-three people stood outside the veranda. On the veranda, a mother and child were lying down. The child was crying feebly. A big blue polythene cover could hardly protect them from the harsh rain.
While he went inside, he could sense the feeling of strangeness. No one smiled at him, neither did he.
Never in his life, had the feeling of strangeness haunted him. Even when he left his homeland and went to Kolkatta to work in a chemical factory. It was his toughest days in life. 18 hours of work everyday. Suffocating smell of chemicals, unknown language and no friends. Everything was new to him, the people, the places. But there was one thing which made him cheerful: His family. He worked hard in almost all phases of his life. All these years he was running around. To give his family, a better life. For his children's education, for a not-so-small house, his wife always dreamed about. It was not the feeling of strangeness that has haunted him. What haunted him was the feeling of devastation when his family threw him out. After all these years of sacrifice, he realized that he had not earned anything. The hardest thing in life is to lose what you live for. For him, it was the family
The rain made splattering sound inside the hotel. He ordered a parcel for his lunch. carefully he kept the warm parcel inside his bag, went out and he walked towards the bus.
The child was crying out of hunger. The mother begged the people who were passing by. She seemed to have no strength for tears. Suddenly she felt something on her towel, it was a warm parcel of food.
The old man almost got on to the bus, he was all wet due to the rain. He had only a rugged umbrella and a faded shoulder bag.

Life is Unpredictable

Well, when I choose a topic to write, I take great care for it to be very positive. But it is slightly different today.
Last month I had a medical emergency and was hospitalized for a month.  I met this guy in the hospital. He was working as software engineer in Chennai. For an onsite job, once he went to UK. A day before his return, he got a small fever. He consulted a doctor, took some medicines and an injection. He came back to Chennai. Fever was not reduced. The next day, the world around him was not the same, or rather, he was not the same. His whole body was paralyzed, lost his all senses and there he is, alive and yet not so. No medicines could bring him back. Treatment is still going on with lot of effort and hope. When I do my shoulder physio, he will also be in the same room. I could never look at him for a long time. Because in his eyes, there is a frightening feel of helplessness.

Is this life? So unpredictable! How do we prepare for this unpredictability? Or is it necessary at all to do so? These are some questions I have in my mind. Certain things I want to remember and share here.

  • You cannot live your life as if the very next moment is your last one. I don’t think that is very comfortable. Also on the other side, you cannot live your life believing that the merry and joy of this moment is going to persist for ever. This is not wise either. So where do you strike the balance? 
  • Unfortunate things can happen to us anytime. The best thing to do is to be aware of every moment, be happy and focused on the present. Happiness is the best decision man can take. “Whatever happens, I will stay happy and cheerful”
  • Do good to others, help someone everyday. Remember about the less fortunate people than us. It’s not always about money, it is also about a small favour or a kind deed by which you can spread a smile
  • Spend time with loved ones. Invest for them
  • Is it good imagine, “How do my loved ones live their life, one fine day when I’m gone? Is there something that I forgot to do for them?”

Sorry, if I hurt anyone’s feelings. But preparing for unpredictability is something that we all should think about, right?